
SPIRAL is a trans-national collective, platform, and magazine, ran by students, artists and researchers who come together to develop relatable and meaningful work while promoting inclusivity, diversity, sustainability and creativity. We work together on various projects and promote each other’s work so as to accelerate social change, community building, and global revolution.

SPIRAL, mathematically illustrated as a shape based on the golden ratio sequence developed by Acharya Pingala (stolen and coinced by Fibonacci), represents the continuous movement of interactive compositionality. It consists of individual elements in a growing sequence, where each element is the culmination of the previous ones while retaining its uniqueness and specific position within that sequence.

SPIRAL is the motion sparking interactions between individual parts, allowing them to co-exist and complement each other. Self-organising reaction-diffusion processes based on activation and inhibition in symbiotic dynamic systems. A self-sustained group of people, forming an expanding electro-magnetic field of mutual aid and appreciation.

We want to provide a space for different people to use and exchange their individual skills, allowing them to work on collaborative projects together and contribute to the community by expressing themselves freely and creatively. No requirements, no bureaucracy, no bullshit.

Our mission

and values

We want meaningful content by people for people. We want to bridge cultural, social, and generational gaps. We advocate for inclusivity, diversity, creativity and sustainability.

Inclusivity as we’re united in our experience of living as social creatures who depend on each other, making up a complex multi-organism as we connect in the quantum mycelium of our collective consciousness and shared physical realm.

Diversity as we all play different roles in this multi-organism, bringing in our individual, unique beauty and complexity to our shared experience. Perspectives, each providing a distinct contribution to society.

Creativity because inclusivity and diversity lead us to new solutions, ideas and paradigms. As people, we constantly reinvent ourselves and our societal structures, contributing to the cultural heritage of humanity and improving our ways of living and thinking.

Sustainability because we want to make things work in the long run. None of our values can be truly employed if not executed in an accountable, respectful way. Diffusing knowledge and information is a task requiring esponsibility and integrity, as media coverage shapes our views and connotations. We want to create sustainable structures internally within our platform, but also externally, whether it’s in regards to environmental sustainability or social and professional structures.

It is essential for us to live by these values and ensure they are used and reflected not only in our content but also in how we work together on our common goals, and what we stand by.


Visual Identity by Kateryna Kruhlyk
Website by Kateryna Skipochka

Ladi by Milena Leimig
FK Raster Grotesk Sharp by Florian Karsten